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about marcia

Since the launch of her first successful business at the age of eleven Marcia has relished working with a team to get things done. She works as a strategic partner with educators, entrepreneurs, and non-profits to accomplish their goals. Her focus areas are community engagement, communication, strategic planning, and project management.

Marcia was the inaugural employee of the Winnetka Public Schools District 36 Communications and Community Relations department. She created the District’s first comprehensive communications plan and served on the Strategic Planning Leadership Team. That two-year effort garnered a Golden Achievement Award from INSPRA (Illinois National School Public Relations Association).

Her advertising career began at Foote, Cone & Belding/LA where she worked with clients from many sectors including Mattel Toys, Orion Pictures, Universal Studios and First Interstate Bank providing research and analysis of emerging marketing trends. In the non-profit world, she has written grants, managed fundraising and referendum campaigns, and marshaled the resources to create playgrounds and scholarship programs. She served as Director of Client Services for the TrendSight Group, a Chicago consultancy dedicated to marketing to women and creating programs for consumer and B2B clients from the automotive, financial services, packaged goods, and pharmaceutical industries.

After stints in New York and Los Angeles, Marcia is currently living in Chicago. A seasoned manager and multi-tasker, she is ready, willing and able to help move your business forward.